A recording of the online event of the MGTŠ and URSIL is published

On 17 April 2023, the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport and the Intellectual Property Office held an online event entitled “Exceptions and limitations in education, research and science and open science and copyright” as part of a discussion on the further development of copyright legislation.

During the web event, a representative of the European Commission presented the regulation of exceptions and limitations to copyright and related rights in the field of education, research and science in the European legal order. Representatives from France, Germany and Slovakia presented their national regimes in this area. The second part dealt with open science and copyright, where, among other things, a representative of the European Commission presented the activities of DG Research in this area. 

The interesting presentations were complemented by questions from the audience. We would like to draw particular attention to the discussion on the exemption for data and text mining and the EU Commission’s clarifications on legal access, as these topics are particularly relevant to ODIPI within the Knowledge Rights 21 network.

A recording of the event can be accessed via this site.