Knowledge Rights 21

ODIPI is a member of Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21), a European network focused on bringing about changes in legislation and practice across Europe to strengthen the right of all to knowledge. The network aims to enable the work of researchers, educators and cultural heritage institutions through changes in legislation, regulation and policy. This includes the modernisation of copyright, digital platforms, and appropriate investment in digital public research and education infrastructure.

The work of the KR 21 includes efforts to enable fair access to e-books, e-journals and other digital content for library users, to protect users’ rights against contractual and technological barriers, and to promote open and flexible copyright law in Europe. The areas of KR21 are: 


  • Facilitating fair access to e-books, e-journals and other forms of digital content for users of public, national, educational, and research libraries;
  • Protecting users’ rights under copyright legislation from contract override and technological protection measures that undermine statutory exceptions to copyright;
  • Promoting the case for the introduction of open and flexible copyright norms in Europe to aid research, teaching, and learning;
  • Advocating for a legislated parallel publication / secondary publishing right in laws;
  • Accelerating the uptake of author rights retention and open licensing activities;
  • Better platform regulations to create a safe harbour for education and research organisations;
  • A right of access to all forms of digital content for research purposes.

KR21 involves a number of national coordinators and copyright experts from across Europe.