4th Open Knowledge Days

The 4th Open Knowledge Day took place on Tuesday 17 October 2023, with an accompanying workshop on 18 October 2023. This year it was organised by the Open Data and Intellectual Property Institute (ODIPI) and supported by Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21).

The event was moderated by Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič, ODIPI. The event was attended by experts from various European countries, including Benjamin White, Knowledge Rights 21 Programme Manager and keynote speaker at the event. In addition, Paul Keller from the Open Future Foundation, Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič and other members of the Knowledge Rights 21 Research Network for Central, Central and Eastern Europe (KR21 Research Network C&SEE) participated with their contributions: prof. Dr. Iur. Iza Razija Mešević, prof. Dr. Dušan V. Popović, prof. Dr. Neda Zdraveva, prof. Dr. sc. Prof. Ivana Kunda. In this sense, the event was also their second formal meeting.

This year, the event was dedicated to two themes: the first part dealt with the legal basis for data analytics, which is a key part of machine learning and related artificial intelligence, and in this context, the exception for text and data mining, as well as the general exception for research. The second part presented open science in theory and practice in Slovenia as well as in some other countries of Central, Central and Eastern Europe.

The workshop on Wednesday dealt with the topic of copyright management according to the principles of open science, in particular the institute of retention of rights and the institute of simultaneous secondary publication or secondary publication rights of research results. A special meeting of Knowledge Rights 21 researchers for Central, Central and Eastern Europe (KR21 Research Network C&SEE) was also held on Wednesday to agree on how to finalise the research on data and text mining and what the next research topics will be.