Czech Court: AI tool cannot be the author of copyrighted work

A Czech court has recently ruled that images generated using AI tools cannot be protected by copyright.

The Municipal Court of Prague issued a significant ruling concerning artificial intelligence and copyright law, stating that images created using AI tools cannot be protected by copyright as their author is not a natural person. It also emphasized that individuals who publish images created by AI tools cannot prevent others from copying and exploiting those images by invoking copyright law. The decision indicates that in the legal sphere of the EU, individuals who create images using AI tools will not be able to rely on copyright protection to prevent their copying by third parties. More about the decision.
A different decision regarding the copyright protection of AI-generated works was made, for example, by a Chinese court in 2020 in the Shenzhen Tencent v. Yinxun case (more about the judgment), in which it ruled that a work created by an AI system is a literary work that enjoys copyright protection. The issue is presented in more detail in the article Can Artificial Intelligence Be an Author of Copyrighted Work?, by Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič LL.M., LL.M.